Friday, February 26, 2016

Montevideo in Pictures

So here are the pictures from our stay in Montevideo for the second time.

This is the other ship that was here too.  The Saga Pearl II.  Ship is 28 years old and it looks it.  No balconies.  It is also doing around South America but from Southampton.

Not the kind of life boat I would want to be on.

Also at this area is the Navy.

This is the Admiralty building here at the port.

When Bob did his walk, he passed this on the dock.

A typical street in the old city of Montevideo.  Lots of room to walk around.

The inside of the Cathedral.

And the inside of the dome of the Cathedral.

In the old days, the city was surrounded by this wall.  This is what is left of the wall and it is now the entrance to Independence Square.

Independence Square.  Lots of benches and statues.

This is the Opera House.

A statue of Artegis.  Not sure who is was.  But a nice statue none the less.

Soliders walking, formal dress and cammo dress.

Up close their is the welcome at the dock.  Welcome written in several languages.

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